Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, yes, another blog

ok- so I friend of mine was visiting this morning and was talking about how she made money with paid blog posts. Something I had thought about, but really couldn't bring myself to do. But she made somewhere around $200/mo by doing this. I have to say, I really want a new couch. 2 actually. So I started thinking, maybe I could just make the money online. So here's my attempt. I have 2 other blogs: Rachel's Cooking and Aside From Food. I really do have alot of rambling thoughts though and I didn't want to "sell" stuff on those blogs. AND I waste entirely too much time playing Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. So I figured I could waste my time babbling about life and make some money in the process.
Sadly, the blog has to be going for a month before I start, so here's my first post on this blog.

1 comment:

Cara said...

You're way too cool! Looks good! I had the same thoughts about wasting time on the 'net- I may as well waste time on something I get paid for ;) Have you signed up for Swagbuccks? You can sign up under me on my blog if you want, the health one, I think there's an ad up there. I've gotten some amazon gift cards through there, just for searching.


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